Mobile Sorting Centre
« Relais Tri Mobile » – Mobile Sorting Centre
The Cannes Lérins Agglomeration has set up a free neighbourhood service for collection of small bulky items and hazardous waste.
Access to tips in your Agglomeration Community is free of charge for up to 3 tons per year and per household. Even so, you do not always have the time, the physical means or quite simply the reflex to sort your waste! The result: lots of small items of waste end up in your household bin. They must, however, be paid special attention when no longer of use, whether they are to be recycled, repaired or receive specific treatment, in order to protect our living space. Old batteries, defective toasters, used frying oil… they all deserve your vigilance!

⚠ Cannes: the service on the Parking des Platanes has moved to the site on Place Saint-Jin Jin.
To be accepted, items must meet these requirements:
• length – up to 1 metre
• volume – up to 200 litres
• weight – up to 30 kg
List of types of waste handled by the « Relais Tri Mobile »
• Small bulky objects of low volume, solid, that can be carried by just one person, such as occasional DIY items, pieces of furniture, kitchen utensils, tableware, pans, mirrors, flower-pots, clothing, textiles and household linen…
• Small household appliances (D3E) of low volume, electric or electronic: telephones, small radiators, hairdryers, microwaves, electric razors or hair clippers, toasters, game consoles, radio alarm clocks, calculators…
• Hazardous waste: batteries, small batteries, lightbulbs, solvants, acids, paint, glue, aerosols, X-rays, ink cartridges, waste that is potentially radio-active, varnishes, and their containers…
• Used household cooking oils: vegetable oils used for cooking and frying (groundnut, colza, grapeseed, palm, sunflower seed…), conservation oils (for feta, peppers), vinaigrettes.